How to make FeedPress refresh my feed?

FeedPress refreshes your RSS feed by itself, however if you want your new entries to appear as quickly as possible, there a multiple ways to force the refresh.


PubSubHubbub is a centralized system where services subscribe to hubs in order to be warned of new updates of a specific source.

If your script or CMS already supports PubSubHubbub it's the easiest way to warn FeedPress about your new entries.

Activate the PubSubHubbub option on FeedPress and check that these two hubs are in your list:

XML-RPC Ping Service

Most of the blogging sripts like WordPress have an XML-RPC Ping service, based on the same concept as PubSubHubbub.

You just have to add the FeedPress server in your interface:

FeedPress API

Premium users have access to the FeedPress API. There is a method /feeds/ping.json that allows to refresh the feed:


If you use Octopress, you can also use this script to automate the ping to FeedPress.


If you want, you can also manually refresh the RSS feed by going to "Generated files", then click on "Force files refresh".