Quick Start Guide to WordPress And FeedPress

Step 1

In your WordPress dashboard, go to your plugin page and search for FeedPress in the plugin marketplace. Install the plugin.

Step 2

After successfully installing the plugin, click Settings to begin configuration.

You will need to authorize your FeedPress account with the plugin, so do that now (you will be asked to login if you aren't already).

Step 3

If you have yet to create a feed in FeedPress, you can also do this in the plugin and we will ask you to do it.

Under Main feeds, click the drop down menu and select an existing feed already setup on FeedPress to redirect to. Note that the in WordPress is the default /feed URL, such as mywebsite.com/feed. Note: If you have category or tag feeds, make sure you setup the redirection for those as well.

Step 4

Save your changes!

Step 5

Verify your feed redirects by running the diagnostics in your FeedPress account ( Settings > Diagnostics).


You should see a message that says "Your feed correctly redirects to FeedPress."